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Retreat Reviews: "I thought my dreaming days were over, but since leaving my teaching job, I have started a new career and my husband and I are exploring China for two years!! Dream Positioning works for both of us as we move forward together..." -Shulah S. Retreat Participant "My wife and I attended a retreat run by Dr. Lavi years ago. Things we learned still help us keep things exciting!" -Bill and JoAnn H., previous participant

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Simon's Fund: To save a child’s life . . . and then another...

Thought for the day: 'Save a life, save a whole world' The Talmud
     I decided to share another video with you. This one was part of why I chose Simon's Fund to be included in & benefit from my book. I was touched by Phyliss Sudman's candid story of a mother trying to do everything for her children unaware that a silent killer lurked in her own home. The story could have ended with a family's sorrow & mourning, but it did not.  Phyliss & her husband Darren founded Simon's Fund. By saving lives of other children & preventing others from the sorrow they have had to bear, they are truly helping to save a whole world.
     I googled the origin of the saying 'Save a life, save a whole world.' I learned that in the beginning Adam was all of humanity; therefore, we need to consider every human being as if he or she was the whole world.  I believe we all have a responsibility to try to save the world & protect one another. That is what the Sudman's are doing.
      Who do you know who has overcome a loss & found a way to make the world better for others?  What organizations do you know that The Wake Up And Dream Challenge might support in the future? I'd love to hear about them.

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