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Monday, April 28, 2014

Motivational Monday: What We All Can Learn from a Three Year Old About Giving

Thought for the Day: There are many things we learn from our children. However, young teachers like three year old Emily James are rare. Today, I am sharing a video showing how Emily can teach all of us about caring and giving generously. Surely little Emily was only able to teach this lesson because her parents taught her the importance of giving to children in need. Many parents would be reluctant to speak with a small child about a life threatening disease. However, Emily's parents seemed to understand that the psychological benefits of teaching a child about helping others outweighed any fears they may have had. They were able to explain cancer in a way that even a toddler could understand and empathize with other children's challenges. See how they helped her grasp the concept and want to help. Could you be missing opportunities like these to teach your children about giving and being empathic? Take a look... 

I hope you will share Emily's story with others. The organization they donated Emily's hair to was 360 Hairin Langley, British Columbia (working with the Canadian Cancer Society) which accepts lengths as short as six inches, makes wigs for cancer patients under the age of 19. 

Are you missing simple lessons which you could teach your children about philanthropy? Do you know of similar charities or acts of giving that would inspire others? Do you have questions about how to talk to your children about tough topics like cancer? I'd love to hear your concerns. I'd also love to hear stories of other parents and children who can teach us lessons in philanthropy. Feel free to share them below. 

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