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if you are concerned about the mental health and safety of our nation in the new political era.
if you are concerned about the mental health and safety of our nation in the new political era.
Silence in World War II Germany led to a holocaust. Hear from Robert J Lifton who studied physicians who helped the Nazis and studied survivors of Hiroshima and other world renowned professionals.
The Town Hall was held last Thursday at Yale University School of Medicine
Harkness Auditorium
Harkness Auditorium
11-12:30 Town Hall on Town Hall:
Does Professional Responsibility include a Duty to Warn?
Does Professional Responsibility include a Duty to Warn?
It included a series of papers and open discussion--Robert J Lifton, Judith Herman, Lance Dodes, Bandy Lee and John Gartner speaking on Trump and The Goldwater Principle
This is an important discussion for psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, physicians, parents, teachers and any professional concerned about the mental and physical health of our nation and leaders.