Thought for the Day: Last week I started this new kind of post: #WW Wake Up Wednesday Moments, where your needs are central to the post. In order to do that I set some simple ground rules to insure that this community feels safe enough to share your highs and lows.
I'd like to reiterate the guidelines for posting:
1) Avoid making judgements of other people's life choices, 2) all comments should be supportive & constructive, 3) feel free to share advice based on your experiences recognizing that they may or may not be accepted by other readers, 4) treat all comments with respect; 5) no dream is too big or too small to share; 6) all accomplishments will be encouraged; and 7) all challenges will be met with constructive supportive suggestions.
Last week, I shared my high and low wake up moments for the last couple of weeks. I asked you, my readers to share yours as well. Two people shared incredible stories. I am thankful that they took the risk to be the 1st to share their Wake Up Dream Moments. I responded to them personally, but have not heard your input, yet. So I decided to post their comments. Please share your thoughts and constructive suggestions here today. I also hope that you will all consider sharing your own stories that may help these two strong people. The first comment is from a woman who is still struggling and searching for ways to cope with adversity. The 2nd post by Cathie is the inspirational story of how far she has come from feeling invisible in high school to becoming a strong woman on the path to her dreams!
Here are the two comments from last Wednesday:

Have you ever felt invisible? What has helped you overcome childhood and adolescent difficulties like Cathie's?
"My low for the week relates to my kids. I have 2 that have been living with their father (my ex). My daughter has been very unhappy because of things going on and wanting to return. She's talked about things her father is doing that bother her and how he treats her compared to her brother. My son is allowed to get away with anything, including threatening his sister. Their father uses his health issues and memory problems to tell my daughter that she needs to remind him when she's told him about things her brother has done so that he remembers to reprimand him. This lead to 3 altercations in my home in less than a week. I resorted to calling law enforcement in after he jabbed me in the throat (fist to the throat) when I stepped in between him and his sister because he was threatening her. I reacted and slapped him but did not leave a mark what-so-ever. He then slammed me into a door twice, using his forearm across my throat the second time. Things resulted in hi being arrested. Now, he is back with his dad because I admitted that I slapped him during the altercation. I want my son to learn boundaries and to treat women with respect. Unfortunately, he's not learning it there. To boot, I've had an attorney that I've been trying to get to get papers filed with the court to reopen things and he's dragging his feet. I'm depressed and feeling at the end of my rope.
On a positive note, I had to move. It was a state to state move. I've started getting things organized. Almost have my kitchen to where I like it and have started getting things posted on an area on-line site so I can both downsize (necessary) and earn some money while I look for a job. Plus, I got a resume set up with the state workforce office this week."
The reunion was a great wake up call to remind me what I have accomplished, and that nothing is impossible, if I can dream it, it can happen."